10 Things That Can Strain Your Eyes

Your eyes may feel irritated and tired after being focused on activities like reading a book, watching a computer screen, or driving a car for a long period. This condition is known as eyestrain.

Eyestrain is a common condition that has become more frequent in this digital age. The eyestrain that is caused by the use of digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers is known as computer vision syndrome or digital eyestrain.  

Generally, eyestrain can be treated easily with simple and noninvasive methods. Prolonged eyestrain or eye irritation may be a sign of a more serious condition and should be discussed with your doctor.

Common Causes of Eyestrain

Eyestrain may occur after focusing on a particular task or activity for an extended time. Listed below are some things you should stop doing to help keep your eyes as healthy as possible.

1.       Rubbing your eyes

Rubbing your eyes may give you a moment of relief, but doing this also causes dirt and bacteria to spread into your eyes every time you rub them. According to a cornea specialist, rubbing the eyes transfer germs and bacteria that can cause pink eye. Eye rubbing is also linked to permanent corneal damage like a disorder known as keratoconus – where the cornea becomes thin and begins to bulge outward. This practice can also break fragile vessels around the eye.

It is important to note that every time you feel something in your eyes, trying to rub it away can dig the debris deeper into your eye. Instead of rubbing it, you can try to blink rapidly so that the tears will wash it away. If blinking won’t work, but a few eyedrops to flush out the eye.

2.       Forgetting to wear sunglasses

extensive exposure to UV can damage the retina and ultimately put you at risk for a few major eye conditions like abnormal growths or cataracts. It is important to wear UV-blocking sunglasses every time you go outside to avoid damage.

3.       Wearing old contact lenses

Wearing a disposable contact lens after it expires will increase your chance of getting an infection. Most people tend to keep their contact lenses in their eyes much longer than the contacts are intended, especially the disposable lenses or the one-a-day ones. Sharing your contacts with others, sleeping in with them on, or not switching your contact case every few weeks are major offences when it comes to keeping your eyes healthy and avoiding vision-blurring infections.

4.       Wearing contacts in the pool or shower

Wearing a contact lens in any form of water, may it be in a pool, ocean, or even in the shower can allow bacteria into the eyes.

5.       Smoking

Smoking is associated with a higher risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration which affects your vision and can cause a strained eye. Smoking doubles your risk of developing an age-related macular degeneration, in which the retina begins to deteriorate and eventually causes vision loss.

6.       Using expired eye makeup

Using expired eye makeup can irritate your eyes especially when you are wearing your contacts and may cause a nasty eye infection. According to experts, eye makeup should be thrown away after three months. For eye makeup like mascara, using it for six to nine months is acceptable. Eye shadow makeups can be used for longer but it is better to be on the safe side. Another way to take note is when it gets clumpy, then it’s probably time to throw it out.

7.       Staring at your smartphone all-day

There is a reason why your eyes may feel physically tired after staring at your computer or smartphone all day. When your eyes are straining to read the small texts on those tiny screens while being flooded with blue light, your blink rate decreases. And when your blink rate decreases, the rate of your tear production also decreases.

Without lubrication, the eyes will begin to feel tired and dry, which will cause blurry vision. Studies also show that more screen time may lead to irreversible deterioration of the retina, and rises the rates of nearsightedness.

8.       Skipping your annual eye exam

Skipping your annual eye doctor visit will cause major issues in ensuring the health of your eyes. Even if you think that your vision is perfect, there is still a chance that you may be straining your eyes without realizing it. It is reported that many patients don’t seek medical help for their eyes until it is too late and have already experienced vision loss. Meanwhile, early detection can make a huge difference in preserving your vision.

9.       Relying on redness drops

Overusing eyedrops can also lead to eye damage especially for those that are meant to take the redness out. Getting more shut-eye to avoid bloodshot and sticking to artificial tears are more effective and safer.

10.   Forgoing safety goggles

Many eye injuries occur at home while doing everyday chores like cleaning the house with harsh chemicals or using hand tools. Protect your eyes while working at home like when you are mowing the lawn or when using a nail gun by wearing safety goggles. Part of your annual wellness checkup should include a visit to an eye specialist to check your eyesight. To schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors or learn more about your eye condition, contact an online doctor BC today.