7 tips to improve your mental health

Keeping one’s mental well-being healthy is tantamount to taking care of one’s physical and overall well-being. Both mental and physical well-being are key components of overall well-being. Mental health is a precursor to a healthy life. It shapes one’s experiences from daily tasks to physical ailments. Being proactive about mental health is an important and advantageous decision. 

Life could get overwhelming at times. Managing your feelings and just getting by each day is a part of maintaining your overall well-being even though it can be difficult at times. Keeping up with your mental health could mean consulting a professional or it could also mean taking everyday steps to boost your mental wellness. 

The good thing is that, just like our physical health, there are some things you can do to improve your mental health. 

Here are seven things you can do to improve your mental health:

  1. Start your day positively

How one starts their day greatly affects the outcome of the rest of the day. A good morning routine is good but starting your day on a positive note makes it all better. Showing gratitude, towards yourself, or someone or any other thing can contribute to the improvement of your mental and emotional well-being. 

Don’t fire up your social media apps as soon as you wake up but instead take some time to appreciate yourself or acknowledge the things you are thankful for. Give yourself a compliment or even appreciate your surroundings and the fact that you are breathing and are ready to start another day. Even keeping a journal where you could vent out and keep tabs on everything you are grateful for would be very helpful. 

  1. Get a good night’s sleep 

How you start your morning the next day is also affected by how much sleep you’ve had the last night. It is important to take your sleep seriously when you want to boost your mental health. It could be easy to just choose to finish the whole series you’ve watched and skip sleep; however, a lack of sleep and low-quality sleep could make you very irritable in the morning. It could also reduce your concentration while doing tasks at hand. 

Try to practice good sleeping habits like going to bed at a regular time each night. A good night’s sleep is a real game-changer when it comes to boosting your mental well-being. 

  1. Eat healthy

Your brain is one of the busiest organs in the body and you can fuel it to keep it functioning at its very best. A way to fuel it is through eating healthy food. Depriving your body of the nutrition it needs could also be a factor in having poor mental health. 

Having a well-balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help improve your mood and cognitive function. A healthy diet is composed of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein, and healthy fat. Focus on more natural options rather than processed or junk foods.

  1. Exercise

Exercising is not only a good way to maintain a healthy weight, it not only benefits the heart but could also help your brain and improve your mood. Exercising could be an outlet where you could release stress. Physical activities also stimulate the release of endorphins which relieves stress. Also stimulates the release of dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine which helps improve your mood. 

Regular exercise could not only help you in being physically fit but could also help you with coping with stress and improve your mental health. Being physically active has been shown to boost your mood and can have a positive influence on many facets of your life.

  1. Set goals for yourself

A sense of accomplishment, achieving your goals can help boost your self-esteem and self worth that greatly helps your mental well-being. Creating goals can give you motivation whether it’s for the long-term or short term situations.

When you are setting goals for yourself, make sure that they are realistic and attainable. Your goals should be challenging but at the same time leaning towards your strengths. Additionally, also make sure that you can devote time and effort you need in order to achieve the goals you have set. Consider doing something as a hobby first if there’s something you’d like to do but aren’t sure how realistic it is.

  1. Socialize

In the status quo, social distancing will remain important for there is still the threat of the pandemic. However, being socially distanced doesn’t mean being socially isolated. During the pandemic, there are many ways to keep in contact with friends and loved ones, from phone calls to video chat and other digital resources.

No man is an island and just like many mammals, humans are social creatures. It’s necessary to remain social because both the quality and quantity of our social interactions have an effect on our mental wellbeing. Opening up to others about a problem or issue is one way of socializing, but it can also equate to just being kind to others in general.

  1. Do not hesitate to ask for help.

It’s difficult to admit that you’re having problems, but there’s no shame in doing so. If you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed by tension, depression, or negative emotions, confide in a friend or family member. Talking to others about your problems will help you process them more thoroughly and relieve some of the tension you’re experiencing.

If emotional or behavioral issues are causing major turmoil in your or a loved one’s life, it’s important to seek professional support as soon as possible.
If you need help assessing whether or not you have a mental disorder, or navigating a current mental illness, you can visit a virtual walk-in clinic Guelph.